• Individual assessment and counselling incorporating the use of a variety of mediums
  • Group counselling for children, young people and adults
  • Information and support for non-offending relatives, carers and supporters
  • A Family Support Worker for Indigenous families
  • Practical support and advocacy at the point of disclosure about sexual violence and thereafter
  • Working with young people who are sexually abusive through the ‘Restorative Justice Conferencing’ with the Youth Justice Service
  • For crisis support after a recent sexual assault, please call 1800 RESPECT, available 24-hours for children, young people, men & women. Includes support through the police and medical processes following a sexual assault.

Counselling and Support

Phoenix House provides free specialist sexual violence counselling to adults, teenagers and children who have experienced either recent or historical sexual violence.

In counselling, it is important to feel comfortable with what you are sharing, in making the decision what to talk about. You do not have to speak of the details of what has happened.

You may choose to bring a support person with you.

Counsellors at Phoenix House are client-centred/focused, and work in varying ways that are suited to the individual.

BumbleBees Therapeutic Service

“BumbleBees” is based on the therapeutic service developed at the Kempe Children’s Centre, Denver, Colorado, US. The service is provided for children aged between three to six years who are at risk due to sexual, physical, and emotional abuse and neglect or from living in an environment that is sexualised or violent. Bumblebees operates for two half mornings a week providing a comprehensive assessment and referral programme for young children and families, and therapeutic interventions as required.

Protective Behaviour Education

Protection Behaviour Education is provided to children and young people in an age appropriate system, to decrease risk factors in their lives.

Carers/Guardians Support

The aim of the programme is to provide counselling and support for children, and young people in out of home care placements, who may have experienced physical and sexual violence and or neglect. Counselling, workshops and groups are also provided for Parents, guardians, and Foster Carers, helping to provide therapeutic support to children and young people.

Community Training

Groups and workshops are provided for individuals, groups, and organisations on request.

For example:

  • Community Education and Development Program (Let’s Prevent Abuse Puppet Show) is facilitated to schools, child care centres
  • Parenting Education Programs eg: Parenting Protective Behaviour Education, Circle of Security, 123 Magic program
  • Group Educational Programs for women, men and teenagers
  • Educational workshops such as ‘Trauma Informed, Vicarious Trauma, Compassion Fatigue workshops
  • Phoenix House Inc takes an active part in working collaboratively with other services to facilitate programs such as LoveBites in the local high schools
  • Supports other community services events such as Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and co-ordinates Sexual Violence Awareness Month every October within the Bundaberg region. Phoenix House is committed to developing ongoing community education workshops and training as identified through latest global research.